Sunday, August 1, 2010


WOW! Lindsey Lohan is rediculas she is in jail or at least going to jail! I forgot what she did and then my friend told me again and I was shocked! Well not shocked that she was in jail but shocked that she did that she really needs to straiten herself out because this is rediculouse! Her jail neighbor even said he herd her crying! She is already in jail so why would she cry it isn't gonna help anything!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Carrie Underwood is Married!

Carrie Underwood finally got married! She got married to a a sporty down to earth guy witch I like so much it is not even funny. I also love Carrie Underwood. I love her songs and her wardrobe! She had her dog at the wedding in a pink tux! I just hope that dog was a girl.

Monday, June 21, 2010

O No!

Guess what? Orlando Bloom is engaged! And guess who he is getting engaged to... Miranda Kerr ya thats right the model! He could have picked someone more down to earth but no he ha to pick a model! I wish people acted more down to earth sometimes cause bratty people bug me!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Friends

This is a picture of me and my friends talking at the moonpool. I am the only one in the water though. :(

I Am Not A Slutty Girl!

Miley Cyrus says, "she isn't trying to be slutty." But she really needs to learn how to tell if people are being sluts because... DING DING DING!!! She is one! This picture proves it... I mean Pink dresses more appropriet. She is coming out with a new albom "Can't Be Tamed". That song/music video was really bad and horible it was weird, she is weird. Usually when people are on a date they say, "I dont get how girls think." But when they are on a date with miley they say,"I dont get how Miley thinks. She needs to cover up more.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Here is a picture for the last post I did.

Rober ( WEAK) Taylor (STRONG)

Robert has a wishlist with wishes that will never come true. He wants better abs then Taylor! DANG!!! At least he has an active imagination! He also wants better hair then tailor, that might happen if he had a haircut from the most perfessional hair cutter in the world! People say Robert is a shirtless hunk... they are so rong! If he wants to be a shirtless hunk like taylor he better lift 100 pound weights for 20 years!